Learnfix Biology

The interACTIVE key to successful study

Comprehensive ACTIVITIES for students
Automated marking for teachers

Why this is just what you need.....

Experienced Instructors

All our instructors are GCSE examiners with a minimum of ten years teaching experience at GCSE and 'A' level.

Interactive Video

To keep you focused our tutorial videos have activities to complete as you go.

Detailed Notes

We provide detailed guidance for you to extract and record the important learning points from the tutorials.

Fun Activities

Practise your recall of the key facts by playing a selection of games.

Question Practise

Hundreds of exam questions to practise with, all interactive. Mark scheme and examiners comments supplied after you submit an answer.

Diagnostic Report

and Progress Review 

Identify unexpected strengths and weaknesses within topics with our detailed diagnostic report. Use the progress reviews to 

Student testimonials

Learnfix really helped improve my grades. At the start of year ten I was predicted a 4 in Biology but I eventually got a 9. The learning games helped but working through the videos to make the suggested notes is what worked best for me. The immediate feedback on the exam questions let me know I was on the right track but reading the examiners comments for each question made a big difference. I’m doing A level Biology at college now and looking forward to a Nursing degree - I’m not sure I’d have done that without using Learnfix.

Emily S, October 2020

Hi, thanks so much for this resource. I used it all through year 11 and my grades jumped from a 5 to a 9. Honestly could not recommend it enough - just wish you covered more subjects..

Suresh G, November 2020




Tutorial videos are INTERACTIVE to keep you focused.



Your own notes trigger more recall than a book. We guide you to the important points you need to make.



We have 10 games to choose from to makle learning fun. You'll memorise the detail without even noticing you're doing it.



Work smarter not harder. Our diagnostic quiz builds up a detailed picture of your hidden strengths and weaknesses, allowing more targeted and more effective revision when the time comes.



You might know your subject but interpreting what the examiner is looking for is not always obvious. We have hundreds of practise questions to help with this.  

Recent Feedback

If you've tried one of our courses we'd love to hear your views.
Please use the feedback button at the side of the page.

Concerned that you just switch off when watching videos?

Don’t be, our videos are interactive. You’ll answer targeted questions to proceed. Detailed note prompts require you to carefully review the information in the tutorial video

Concerned you don’t recall the key facts?

Don’t be, we have a range of fun learning games to practise recall of the key facts. You answer questions to proceed through the games, you won’t even realise you’re revising!

Concerned that overall marks don’t give insights to where extra work is needed?

Don’t be, our diagnostic quizzes build up a clear picture of how confidence with the key learning objectives is matched to your attainment.

Concerned you can’t apply what you’ve learned to exam questions?

Don’t be, our exam style questions target key learning points from individual tutorials.

Concerned that you know the subject but can’t interpret what the examiner is looking for?

Don’t be, we have an interactive version for hundreds of exam questions. Once a question is completed you’re shown the mark scheme and examiners comments and are then tasked with carefully reviewing your answers

Concerned that thoughts on your progress might not be accurate?

Don’t be, the report for our diagnostic quizzes clearly displays how your estimation of your understanding is matched to your attainment

Concerned you won’t be able to get help if you get stuck?

Don’t be, you don’t need to get a private tutor for a full series of support meetings, we have a team of private tutors on hand to provide targeted support for individual tutorials when required (extra cost).

Concerned that as a teacher you might lose touch with student progress?

Don’t be, students are tasked with creating detailed reviews of their progress at each key step in the process. If your schools has opted for a bespoke course then the interactive dashboard has a copy of their work available for you to monitor.

Concerned that as a teacher this might create extra work for you?

Don’t be, our activities are designed for self marked, independent study - but teacher intervention is facilitated on bespoke courses with a detailed progress report and access to student work